r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka


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Army troops clean beach areas from Wadiduwag to Kokilai

The Sri Lanka Army troops recently engaged in cleaning the coastal belt from Wadiduwag to Kokilai with a view to create a clean and safe beach environment.

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Army built four new houses in Mullaitivu vested in

Army built four new houses in Mullaitivu  vested in

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Coast Guard DG exchanges views on training with an Australian delegation

A delegation of the Australian High Commission in Sri Lanka led by First Secretary Inspector Brett Zehnder, Australian Border Force (ABF) along with ABF Coordinator Shashika Perera met the Director General of Sri Lanka Coast Guard (SLCG) Rear Admiral Anura Ekanayake recently.

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New application form for firearm renewal introduced

A new application form has been introduced for renewal of firearm licenses. The application form is available in the Ministry’s website.

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SLAF’s Air Power for Aerial Reforestation

The forest sustains life. Our nation has been embellished with tropical forests. The Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) under the guidance of Air Force Commander Air Marshal Sudarshana Pathirana together with the Forest Conservation Department and the Agriculture Faculty of the Peradeniya University initiated the fifth wave of aerial sowing.

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Nature under Army’s protection

Nature, the phenomenon of the physical world, is invaluable to all human beings. All human activities are co-related to nature. At the beginning of civilisation, the life journey of man started with the blessings of nature. But gradually the nature was cursed by humans, with certain transformations in behaviour, such as the industrial revolution, the destruction of nature began in numerous ways.

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Army troops plant ‘Kumbuk’ in the East

Sri Lanka Army’s East-based troops recently planted 1,600 'Kumbuk' saplings inside the Security Forces – East Headquarters compound as an alternative solution to improve water retention ability.

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Another needy family in Udupiddy gets Army-built house

A new house built by the Sri Lanka Army troops of the Security Force Headquarters - Jaffna with its technical, engineering and manpower support was vested in another under privileged family in Imayanan, Udupiddy.

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Navy plants 5,000 mangroves in Jaffna lagoons

A programme to plant 5,000 mangrove plants in the Jaffna peninsula by the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) saw its successful culmination in the Ponnale lagoon recently (Oct 17).

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President’s Message on Milad Un Nabi

Today is the birth anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad, who showed to the world that benevolence and honesty are the two characteristics that needed for a person to be trusted by everyone.

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Indian NDC Delegation calls on Defence Secretary

An Indian National Defence College (NDC) delegation led by Maj. Gen. Hari B Pillai made a call on the Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gen. Kamal Gunaratne at the Defence Ministry in Defence Headquarters Complex, Sri Jayawardenepura, Kotte today (Oct 18).

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SLAF dry run to place Sandahiru Stupa Pinnacle

A Bell 412 helicopter belonging to Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) has been assigned to place the ‘Pinnacle’ on the top of Sandahiru Seya in Anuradhapura, the SLAF sources said.

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'Way Forward Strategy-2020-2025' Takes One More Milestone Step Forward Raising 1st Corps of SLA

The landmark unification of Reserve Strike Divisions, Special Operations Forces and elements of other arms in the Sri Lanka Army as 1 Corps of the Sri Lanka Army occurred this morning (17) during a formal ceremony at Saliyapura Gajaba Regiment Regimental HQ premises as promulgated in the Army Commander's 'Way Forward Strategy 2020-2025' for the organization.

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Army-built new houses vested in needy families

Sri Lanka Army extending its community welfare projects constructed two more houses with the support of philanthropists and were recently vested in needy families.

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A squadron of Russian Navy’s Pacific Fleet arrives at port of Colombo

A squadron of the Russian Navy’s Pacific Fleet which included the Corvette ‘Gremyashchy’ and submarines ‘B – 603’ and ‘B – 274’ arrived at the Colombo harbour today (16th October 2021). Sri Lanka Navy welcomed the visiting ships in precision with naval traditions as they arrived at the port of Colombo.

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SLAF-manufactured HHOTs donated to Government Hospitals

The Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) recently handed over Heated Humidified Oxygen Therapy Units (HHOT) to government hospitals in Ampara, Badulla, Kalutara and Polgasowita to use in the treatment of COVID-19 patients on the instructions of the SLAF Commander Air Marshal Sudarshana Pathirana.

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Defence Secretary laid foundation stone for Deeghawapiya ‘Pilgrims Rest’

Defence Secretary and Chairperson of ‘Archaeological Heritage Management Presidential Task Force’ (PTF) for Eastern Province, Gen. Kamal Gunaratne (Retd) laid the foundation stone for the proposed ‘Pilgrims Rest’ at the Deeghawapiya Raja Maha Viharaya premises amidst the religious blessings today (15 July).

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‘Mitra Shakthi’ Boosts Strength & Friendship, Says Indian Army Chief Witnessing Final Mock Attack at Maduru Oya

The final mock demonstration of the largest-ever joint Exercise ‘Mitra Shakthi VIII’ that ushers in revitalized bonds of friendly goodwill and strong cooperation between the Sri Lanka Army and the Indian Army got underway this morning (15) in the presence of General Manoj Mukund Naravane, Chief of the Army Staff of the Indian Army as the Chief Guest and his host,

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Indian Army Chief Gifts Simulators to Army Service Corps School at Anuradhapura

The Army Service Corps School at Tisawewa, Anuradhapura on Thursday (14) afternoon rolled out a red carpet to welcome the visiting Indian Army’s Chief of the Army Staff General Manoj Mukund Naravane, together with his host General Shavendra Silva, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army.

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Dr. Subramanian Swamy MP guest speaker at INSS Security Salon

Eminent scholar and Member of Parliament, India Dr. Subramanian Swamy was the guest speaker at the Security Salon organized by the Institute of National Security Studies (INSS) last evening (Oct 13).

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Defence Secretary graces National event of IDDRR

National event to commemorate the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) themed ‘COVID-19 and systemic risks’ was held in the form of a hybrid event at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) today (Oct 13).

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Indian Army Chief meets Defence Secretary

Chief of the Army Staff of the Indian Army (COAS) General Manoj Mukund Naravane accompanied by a military delegation met the Defence Secretary Gen. Kamal Gunaratne (Retd) at the Ministry today (Oct 13).

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Army troops donate blood to Vavuniya Hospital

Sri Lanka Army troops under the Security Force Headquarters-Wanni organized a blood donation campaign recently in order to donate blood to the blood bank at Vavuniya General Hospital.