r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka


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MOD-financed new house vested in an injured Army Officer

A newly built house with the financial support of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and the Army’s Veterans’ Affairs Directorate was recently vested in a disabled War Hero in Mathugama.

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Seeduwa ICC receives donations

Sri Lanka Army received a large stock of donations from donors for the use of the Seeduwa ICC and its patients.

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Inter-provincial travel restrictions to remain

It has been decided to relax travel restrictions from 4 am on the 21st of June, the President's Media Division (PMD) said indicating that, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has instructed the officials not to relax the inter-provincial travel restrictions.

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Travel restrictions updates

The currently imposed travel restrictions will be lifted 4.00 am on June 21, Army Commander Gen. Shavendra Silva said.

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Army begins to produce organic fertilizer

Sri Lanka Army troops of 5 Sri Lanka Women’s Corps under the Security Forces Headquarters (SF HQ) - East, Welikanda  produced 160,000 kg of organic fertilizer using the waste and garbage in and around the camp premises.

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Navy nabs Rs.39 mn worth of Cannabis

Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) nabbed 130 kilos and 760 grams of Cannabis along with two suspects and a dinghy in Karampan in Kayts yesterday (June 17).

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Chinese Defence Attaché calls on Defence Secretary

The Defence Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka, Senior Col. Wan Dong met Defence Secretary Gen. Kamal Gunaratne (Retd) at the new Defence Ministry complex today (Jun 17).

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SLN nabs smuggled dried turmeric and Kendu leaves

Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) nabbed 370 kilos and 600 grams of dried turmeric and 294 kilos and 100 grams of Kendu leaves in the beach areas of Konthampiddi, Mannar and Arippu in Silawathura, respectively, yesterday (June 16 ).

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Army raids a Cannabis cultivation

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) troops of the 20 Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment recently raided a Cannabis cultivation in Thanamalwila.

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Army troops extinguish wildfire in Dowa

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) troops of the 112 Brigade doused a wildfire that spread across Wewegoda Mountain range in Dowa area in Bandarawela recently following the forest officials sought the Army’s assistance.

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Army saves money repairing a fleet of Army vehicles

Saving a large foreign exchange for the country, Sri Lanka Army (SLA) made serviceable a fleet of unserviceable Army vehicles and the Chief of Defence Staff and Army Commander, Gen. Shavendra Silva witnessed them at the Army Headquarters yesterday (June 16).

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Former Secretary Defence & Army Chief of Staff, General Cyril Ranatunga (Retd) Passes Away

General S. Cyril Ranatunga (Retd), one of the most respected and highly acclaimed military leaders in the Sri Lanka Army and a former Secretary to the Ministry of Defence passed away peacefully on Wednesday (16) at the age of 91 years. He, who had given leadership as a General Officer Commanding, Joint Operations Command and Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Army during the 1980s also served as Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea as well as in the United Kingdom. He was honoured by appointing him as Chancellor of the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence Academy.

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The Confluence of Indo-Pacific Region : Sri Lankan Perspective

Indo - Pacific region is an area of concern in the present-day geopolitical context. In the contemporary scenario, island states in the Indo-Pacific region face political, economic and societal spears of influence from the larger states. There are 35 Littoral States and 12 landlocked countries, and 47 countries in the Indian Ocean region. In the present day context, China's Belt and Road initiative has headed to 21st-century maritime civilization. China's white paper discusses this maritime strategy's mutual benefits, especially the Indian Ocean (IO) region's island states.

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SLA accelerates demining to free country from Mines by 2022

Sri Lanka Army Humanitarian Demining Unit (SLAHDU) unit of the Sri Lanka Engineers (SLE) has been working towards the effective accomplishment of the national target for overall de-mining by the year end in 2022 after clearing all identified and hazardous areas of explosive remnants as stipulated in the original country plan of de-mining.

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Sri Lanka’s Observations on the Resolution adopted in the EU Parliament

The Foreign Ministry regrets the adoption of a resolution on Sri Lanka in the European Parliament on 10 June 2021.  The resolution entitled “The Situation in Sri Lanka, in particular the arrests under the Prevention of Terrorism Act”, contains factual inaccuracies, and does not take cognizance of the multifaceted progress made by Sri Lanka in reconciliation and development.

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Army join hands for Mullaitivu community projects

Commencing another social welfare oriented work, the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) commenced to construct a new house for a selected needy family in Mannankadal, Mullaitivu recently with a view to uplift their living standards.

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'Level 1' landslide warning issued

Issuing a 'Level 1' (yellow) landslide warning message today (June 14), the National Building Research Organization (NBRO) has earmarked a few areas in four districts as vulnerable to landslides in view of showery condition experiencing in some of the parts in the island.

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Navy nabs Rs.71 mn worth of Cannabis

Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) nabbed 237 kilos and 500 grams of Cannabis worth of Rs. 71 million along with three suspects and a dinghy in Point Pedro today (June 14).

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SLCG to enhance watercraft skills

The Sri Lanka Coast Guard (SLCG) conducted a Jet Ski operator training programme for their lifesavers recently.

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Pandemic Control Operations

Tri-Forces and Police are conducting operations to contain the spread of Coronavirus in the island by untiringly engaging in identifying the virus hit patients and sending their close contacts for quarantine to the Tri-Forces managed quarantine centres established around the country.

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Anti-drugs Operations

The Sri Lanka (SL) Army, Navy, Air Force, Police and Police Narcotic Bureau conducted anti-drugs operations last week and arrested a total of 36 persons, including drug peddlers, following effective interoperability among the security services and the Police.

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Arrested Arms and Ammunitions

The Sri Lanka (SL) Army, Navy, Air Force, Police and STF were on alert on illegal weapons and ammunition during the past week.

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Strong winds and lightning during thundershowers

Issuing today's (June 14) weather forecast the Meteorology Department requested general public to take adequate precautions to minimize the damages that may occur due to temporary localized strong winds and lightning during thundershowers.

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Army renovates Thadiyamalai - Muthiyankaddu road in Mullaithivu

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) commenced the renovation of road patch between Thadiyamalai to Muthiyankaddu in Mullaithivu recently.

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Kundasale ICC to facilitate 1000 patients

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) converted Kundasale Mahamevunawa Buddhist Monastery into an Intermediate Care Centre (ICC) with the support of Health authorities and state agencies facilitating to accommodate 1000 COVID-19 contacted patients.