r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka


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President’s Ranaviru Day Message

I write this message with utmost contentment and pride to pay homage to the valiant war heroes who defeated separatist terrorism and brought peace and harmony to the country.

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Govt. will not allow any force to destabilise hard earned peace - Defence Secretary

Defence Secretary Maj. Gen. (Retd) Kamal Gunaratne said the Government, under the leadership of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, would not allow any force to become a threat to the national security.

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Defence Ministry instructs Security Forces to follow quarantine law to prevent gatherings in North

Defence Ministry has instructed Security Forces in the North to take necessary actions to prevent holding any gatherings or meetings in Jaffna, Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu under the Quarantine law to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

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AIA and SLIC contribute to Itukama COVID-19 Healthcare and Social Security Fund

AIA Insurance Lanka Private Limited Company, Kegalle branch donated Rs. 500,000 to the Itukama COVID-19 Healthcare and Social Security Fund at the Defence Ministry today (18).

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All geared to commemorate War Heroes’ tomorrow

Arrangements are afoot to commemorate the heroic deeds of valiant war heroes who fought against the ruthless LTTE to liberate the motherland from the grip of terrorism and bring sustainable peace, at the National War Heroes’ Monument, Battaramulla, tomorrow (19).

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Sri Lanka Navy’s dedication to protect the nation from all fronts:

The worst despair to any patriot is to be deplored by the very people, whom you have sworn to defend at any peril. It is said that Srimath Anagarika Dharmap?la, who led a non-violent struggle in securing Buddhist sites in a pre-independent Ceylon, in his efforts was constantly ridiculed by locals with unsubstantiated allegations.

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Sri Lanka’s Victory : LTTE turned children into child soldiers. Sri Lanka brought out the talents in child soldiers

We have only guestimates of Tamil children kidnapped by LTTE and turned into child soldiers. We don’t really know the exact numbers of Tamil children kidnapped, how many died during LTTE training, how many were killed trying to flee LTTE training camps, how many lie injured from training, how many children died during hostilities, how many children were brainwashed to commit suicide by biting cyanide capsule, how many children were suicide bombers, how many children were trained by the LTTE female child soldier trainer – the Australian nurse now living a good life in UK.

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Foreign Secretary appeals Sri Lankan expatriates to evaluate situation before requesting repatriation

Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha has called on migrant workers, students and parents, to carefully calibrate the effect repatriation at this time could have on their jobs and education, before making decisions to seek to return to Sri Lanka, availing of the limited flights being operated by the Government for those facing compelling circumstances.

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Corona pandemic resulted in reducing alcohol and tobacco consumption in SL

People have given-up 80% of alcohol and 68% of tobacco consumption in Sri Lanka during the pandemic based policy restrictions, reveals Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC) in Sri Lanka in a recent research.

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38,983 Sri Lankans in 143 countries seek assistance to return home

Over 38,983 Sri Lankan expatriates in 143 countries have sought assistance to return home in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Ministry of Foreign Relations, stated in a press release today( May 17).

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Donating day’s salary to Govt. is not applicable to Armed Forces and Police

Defence Secretary Maj. Gen.(Retd) Kamal Gunaratne said donating a day’s salary to the Government to overcome the existing financial constraints due to coronavirus pandemic is not applicable to Tri-Forces, Police and Civil Defence Services personnel.

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Spraying disinfectants can be ’harmful’, says WHO

Spraying disinfectant on the streets, as practised in some countries, does not eliminate the new coronavirus and even poses a health risk, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Saturday.

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Met Dept warns Lankan fishermen on cyclonic depression in seas of North-East

Meteorology Department, Sri Lanka warns fishing communities be more vigilant issuing weather forecast today morning (17), since a deep depression over South-East Bay of Bengal has intensified into a cyclonic storm called “AMPHAN”, nearly 610 kilometres North-East of Trincomalee.

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9,374 persons in total complete quarantine

With the latest reports received on Saturday (May 16), a total of 9,374 people have completed quarantine and have left for their homes from quarantine facilities.

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Another group of 102 civilians left from quarantine centers

Another group of 102 civilians, who underwent quarantining, have left for their homes from Tri services managed quarantine centers yesterday (May 16).

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308 more Sri Lankans repatriated from Japan and Myanmar

A total of 308 more individuals have flown to Sri Lanka from Japan and Myanmar yesterday (May 16).

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Sri Lanka demands London Guardian to remove travel quiz refers to Eelam

The Government has informed the London Guardian to remove the word Eelam  in its travel quiz of its online edition.

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Navy on standby to respond flood situations

Responding to recent torrential rainfalls experiencing during inclement weather across the country, Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) has taken steps to mobilize its relief teams to vulnerable areas in-advance as a precautionary measure.

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9,258 quarantined individuals leave Tri-services managed quarantine centers

A total of 9,258 individuals have left Tri services managed quarantine centers, according to updates on May 15.

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411 individuals leave quarantine centers

Another batch of 411 individuals left quarantine centers managed by the Tri-forces.

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Sri Lankan expatriates from Japan to be flown back to Sri Lanka

A group of Sri Lankan expatriates in Japan are scheduled to be flown back to Sri Lanka in a special charter flight today (May 16).