12,090 persons completed quarantine at Tri-Forces run centres
A total of 12,090 persons have left for their homes from Tri-Forces managed quarantine facilities so far, the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) stated.
278 Sri Lankan expats arrive from UK
Another group of 278 Sri Lankans stranded in the UK arrived in the Bandaranaike International Airport, early this morning (June 7).
Soysapura shooting : main suspect dies in police confrontation
The main suspect of the shooting incident at a restaurant in Soysapura, Moratuwa on May 28, died during an exchange of gunfire with the Police, this morning (June 7).
338 persons completed quarantine
A total of 338 persons having completed the two-week-long quarantine process, left for their homes today morning (6).
Three Policemen interdicted over alleged assault on autistic teenager
Three Police officers have been interdicted over an incident of assault to an autistic teenager at Ambagaha Junction police checkpoint in Aluthgama on May 25, Police said.
Golden Fence of Nagadeepa Sudhu Bodhi declared open
A Golden Fence erected around the Sudu Bodhi of the historical Nagadeepa temple in Jaffna by Jaffna troops was dedicated to the Raja Maha Vihara at a religious function held on Poson Full Moon Poya day (June 5).
Another group of expatriates from Germany arrived in Sri Lanka
A group of 235 Sri Lankan expatriates arrived in Mattala International Airport from Germany this morning (June 6).
Credibility of the “War Witnesses” : Which version of Dr. Varatharaja do we believe now?
It is just as well that Dr. Varatharaja has taken to films. He certainly deserves the award for Best Actor. From reading of a script called Hippocratic Oath to serve humanity and practice profession as a doctor with conscience and dignity, he is now reading different scripts and writing memoirs, films and going round the world talking human rights too.
Lebanon agrees to conduct free PCR tests for Sri Lankans seeking to be repatriated
The Lebanese government in line with Sri Lanka's policy on repatriating Sri Lankans living overseas, has agreed to conduct free PCR tests for Sri Lankans seeking to be repatriated.
Navy constructs a CT scan division for NIID, Angoda
A two-story Tomography Scanning Division (CT scan) building constructed by the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) was handed over to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), Angoda, last week.
70 sailors leave SLAF run Iranamadu quarantine centre
Seventy sailors, who were quarantined at the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) run Iranamadu centre, were released this morning (6 June 2020).
DPL staff entering Sri Lanka required to submit PCR test results
Diplomatic staff and their family members entering Sri Lanka are required to submit PCR test reports obtained 72 hours prior to their departure from their respective countries.
Murder suspect of Monaragala dies at a shoot out
The main suspect of the Monaragala murder incident died during exchange of gunfire with the Police this afternoon (June 5).
Army provides dry rations to needy families
Sri Lanka Army Special Forces (SF) in Matale in collaboration with the SF Seva Vanitha Unit provided dry rations packs, food and vegetables to 23 needy families at the Elkaduwa estate recently.
420 sailors recovered from Coronavirus
The number of Sri Lanka Navy personnel recovered from the coronavirus and discharged from hospitals has increased to 420 by Friday.
11,709 persons completed quarantine
After two more persons completed quarantine process today (June 5), the total number of persons who have left Tri-Services managed quarantine centres has risen to 11,709.
Police and NCPA commence probe into alleged attack on autistic child
Police have commenced investigations into the recent assault on an autistic boy in Aluthgama.
839 Coronavirus positives discharged from hospitals
A total of 839 coronavirus patients have recovered and been discharged from hospitals.
President assures opportunity for everyone to return to SL
President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, assuring avenues for everyone who wishes to return to the Sri Lanka, has instructed relevant authorities to direct returnees for 14-day quarantine process after completion of PCR tests at the airport.