r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Press Release

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Four Police teams to investigate into Kochchikade incident

Two individuals have been arrested following clashes in Kochchikade in Negombo. A personal dispute between two individuals had escalated into a tense situation after a group of highly intoxicated persons had involved and behaved in an unruly manner.

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Security operations to ensure safety of school children

During the past 48 hours, the armed forces have focused their full attention on the safety of school children. We have fully evaluated the security status quo and taken all necessary preventive security measures covering all the schools.

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Special search operations around schools premises on Sunday

Special security arrangements have been made to facilitate the reopening of schools on Monday. Necessary instructions have already been issued to all Police stations in the country.

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Nearly 15 000 Tri Forces troops deployed for security

Island wide security has been tightened with Tri Force having deployed nearly 15,000 personnel to ensure public security during the past 48 hours.

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Police bury those killed in Saithamaruthu incident

Police took measures to bury ten remains of those killed in the Sainthamaruthu suicide blast after completing investigations and post mortem procedures, on Thursday (02 May).

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Stern action against rumour mongers

Authorities will take legal action against those who are involved in spreading false information, images or videos that would be detrimental to the reconciliation among the people.

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Political leadership is of extreme importance when fighting terrorism, says British State Minister for Security

The British Minister of State for Security and Economic Crime, Ben Wallace said the political leadership is extremely important to fight against terrorism with international connections.

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Ongoing operations successful

The island wide search operations being carried out by Tri Forces, Police and STF are continuing and security has been tightened.

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Key suspects arrested

A total of 44 suspects have been placed under CID custody in connection with the Easter Sunday bombings uptodate.

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Any individuals, groups or organizations involved publishing false news, information, images, interviews or any other form of publications that could provoke communal/racial tensions, public disturbance or disunity among the people is liable for prosecution under Emergency Regulations, currently in force.

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MEDIA RELEASE (National Media Centre)

A number of incidents of public disturbances have been reported in several parts of the country due to the circulation of false information. The police and security forces have taken measures to take strict legal action against persons circulating such false information through websites, facebook, twitter, WhatsApp and other social media sources.

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Several bomb explosions were reported from a number of areas in the island between 0830 am and 0900 am, today.

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The government wishes to express its deepest condolence on the deaths caused by the bomb explosions reported in Colombo and several other parts of the country, this morning.

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Special Media Release

A special discussion was held with the participation of heads of security forces and all other departments regarding the current security situation in the country, and during that meeting, the government has decided to take steps to tighten security at all the religious places, tourists hotels, hospitals and embassies and provide security to all the catholic religious leaders and to important places of the government.

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Following the explosions that took place in Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa, earlier today, the number of foreign nationals who have been identified as deceased at the National Hospital in Colombo stands at eleven.

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Press Release

On the order of His Excellency the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic and the Minister of Defence, Maithripala Sirisena, a decision has been taken by the Ministry of Defence in order to prevent the deforestation caused by the unauthorized cutting of trees, it is hereby informed that all Chainsaw Machines used by the public and private sector in the country should be produced to the nearest Police Station between the period of 20th to 28th February 2019 and a Registration License be obtained.