r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Press Release

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Food security is becoming an apex threat to Sri Lanka’s national security. At present, public is unable to attend to daily food necessities due to lack of products and insufficient income.

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Institute of National Security Studies (INSS) organized a Round Table Discussion under the theme, “Importance of Political Stability for National Security of Sri Lanka” on Friday, 07th First speaker Dr. Prathiba Mahanamahewa initiating the discourse emphasized that the political stability goes hand in hand with economic security and ultimately the security of both ensures the national security. Therefore, he discussed further about the importance of political stability and the factors that affect the same.

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Institute of National Security Studies (INSS), the premier think tank on national security established under the Ministry of Defence organized a Security Salon on “Ukraine crisis: global and regional impact and its consequences to national security of Sri Lanka”.

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Press Release

‘The Hindu’ newspaper in India has published a report on 13 May 2022 quoting Indian intelligence that the LTTE is planning to launch an attack  Sri Lanka on May 18.

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Press Release

The tri forces personnel have been called up to assist the police to contain the present situation at the Galle Face and adjacent areas in order to maintain security and ensure public safety.

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1.    First of all, Ministry of Defence kindly request from all citizens of the country to assist in managing the current economic and social crisis and unrest in the country with the utmost intelligence and patience.

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The Institute of National Security Studies (INSS), the premier think tank on national security established under the Ministry of Defence, Sri Lanka organized a Closed Door Round Table Discussion on “Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing: Jeopardizing Sri Lanka’s maritime security” on Friday, 29th April 2022 from 1400 hrs to 1530hrs (IST) via Zoom.

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The Current Crisis: The role of Macro-stabilization, Trade and Investment Reforms

Sri Lanka is in the midst of its greatest economic catastrophe. This situation has been precipitated by apparent macroeconomic imbalances coupled with slow growth, considerable fiscal deficit, a large balance of payment deficit and high external debt, which have inflamed for years. There is no alternative now, but to adopt a comprehensive economic agenda to tackle the economic crisis.

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Press Release

Ministry of Defence responds to the Facebook note of Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka addressing the Secretary of Defence and Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army.

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Special statement issued by Ministry of Defence

The Ministry of Defence categorically denies the information disseminating on social media platforms stating that incumbent Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army, General Shavendra Silva is holding the present appointment without legitimate service extension which is falsely fabricated in order to mislead the general public.

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Special Statement made by Secretary of Defence

Refuting baseless allegations of an alleged National Security Council (NSC) meeting convened over the violent protests in Mirihana, Defence Secretary Gen. Kamal Gunaratne, contrary to media reports, stated that no such meeting had taken place.

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“National Health Strategies for Health of Migrant and Refugee Population and Preservation of Health Security in the Country”

Institute of National Security Studies (INSS), the premier think tank on National Security established under the Ministry of Defence, organized a Public Lecture titled “National Health Strategies for Health of Migrant and Refugee Population and Preservation of Health Security in the Country” on Wednesday, the 06th April 2022 from 1400hrs to 1530hrs (IST) via Zoom. Dr. (Mrs.) H.S.R Perera, Deputy Director General (Public Health Service) II, Ministry of Health was the Guest Speaker for the event. Rear Admiral Dimuthu Gunawardane RWP**,RSP,VSV, USP, nswc, psc, hdmc Director (Communications and Publications) at INSS moderated the event.

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Press Release

Due to the turbulent situation in the country, the masses have rallied and are holding series of organized protests in various parts of the country. Although these protests are being organized under the theme "Peaceful Campaign" seeming to represent the democratic rights of the people, it is observed that two groups are active in this regard.

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Press Release

Defence Secretary General Kamal Gunaratne categorically denied the social media reports that say the Indian military elements have been inducted into Sri Lanka.

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Changing Geopolitical Landscape of South Asia

Institute of National Security Studies (INSS), the premier think tank on National Security established under the Ministry of Defence, organized a Security Salon titled “Changing Geopolitical Landscape of South Asia” on Wednesday, 30th March 2022, from 1400hrs to 1530hrs (IST) at the Suranimala Auditorium, Ministry of Defence.

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Press Release

The recently signed maritime security pacts with the Government of India will neither result in hindrance nor threat to the national security of Sri Lanka, as misinterpreted by several print and electronic media.

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Threat Lens on “Sri Lanka’s Media Discipline vs. Online Falsehoods and Manipulations”

Institute of National Security Studies (INSS), the premier think tank on National Security established under the Ministry of Defence, organized a Threat Lens titled “Sri Lanka’s Media Discipline vs.

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National Security Implications on Sri Lanka’s Personal Data Protection Bill

Institute of National Security Studies (INSS), the premier think tank on national security established under the Ministry of Defence, organized a Public Lecture titled “National Security Implications titled  “Sri Lanka’s Personal Data Protection Bill” on Tuesday, 15th of March 2022, from 1000hrs to 1130hrs (IST) via Zoom.

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Round Table Discussion Titled “Future of Food Security in Sri Lanka”

Institute of National Security Studies (INSS), the premier think tank on national security established under the Ministry of Defence, organized a Round Table Discussion titled “Future of Food Security in Sri Lanka” on Thursday, 10th of March 2022, from 1400hrs to 1530hrs (IST) via Zoom.

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Round Table Discussion on “Internal and External Dimensions of Economic Security”

Sri Lanka is in a great need of a comprehensive evidence-based analysis of the current economic situation in order to consider policy options to enhance the country’s economic security in the year ahead. 

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Combatting the Financing of Terrorism to Affirm National Security

The Institute of National Security Studies (INSS), the premier think tank on national security established under the Ministry of Defence organized a Closed Door Round Table Discussion titled “Combatting the Financing of Terrorism to Affirm National Security” on the 25th of January, from 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs via ZOOM.

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Strict and prompt action being taken by the GoSL under the auspices of the
Ministry of Defence to combat Human Trafficking

Through a policy decision taken by the Cabinet of Ministers in July this year, the Chairmanship of the Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force was shifted from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of Defence,

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Press Release

Ministry of Defence denied the circulation of false details published on social media and certain media regarding alleged mining in the seas off the coast of Batticaloa by a barge that had been anchored a few days ago due to facing an emergency following a fuel shortage during the ship’s expedition from UAE to Bangladesh.

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Lieutenant General Denzil Kobbekaduwa Memorial Oration 2021

Institute of National Security Studies (INSS) organized the Lieutenant General Denzil Kobbekaduwa Inaugural Memorial Oration on 16th of December 2021 from 1500hrs to 1700hrs at the auditorium of Suhurupaya building, Battaramulla with the participation of Mrs. Lali Kobbekaduwa and family members of late Lieutenant General Denzil Kobbekaduwa, Secretaries to the Ministries, Navy Commander, Tri forces, Police, Intelligence Services, Defence Attaches to Sri Lanka, academia and resource pool of INSS. General Kamal Gunaratne (Retd.) WWV RWP RSP USP ndc psc MPhil, Secretary - Ministry of Defence and the State Ministry of National Security graced the inaugural memorial oration as the Chief Guest.