Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

SLAF hands over newly constructed Out-Patient Unit for COVID-19 suspected patients to Gampaha District General Hospital

April 06, 2020

The new Out-Patient-Unit constructed by the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) for the suspected COVID-19 patients was handed over to the District General Hospital at Gampaha, today.

Following the directives of SLAF Commander Air Marshal Sumangala Dias and the SLAF’s Directorate of Civil Engineering, an officer and 30 airmen team attached to the Civil Engineering Wing (CEW)  of the SLAF Base Katunayake completed the construction within six-days

The funding for the project was provided by well-wishers in the Gamapaha Area while the SLAF provided the required manpower and engineering expertise to complete the project.

The Commanding Officer of the Civil Engineering Wing, Group Captain M B C D Muthuthanthri participated for the event together with the Project Engineer, Flight Lieutenant K T T D Colombathanthri.