r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

'Hela Sarana' Sri Lanka Israel Organization donates 50 disinfection liquid cans

September 10, 2020

Hela Sarana Sri Lanka Israel Organisation, which was formed by Sri Lankan migrant workers in Israel, donated 50 (four litre) disinfection liquid cans worth of Rs. 100,000 to Defence Secretary Maj. Gen. (Retd) Kamal Gunaratne, yesterday (9).

Organization’s Coordinator Shantha Amarasena and member Manoja Wickramarathne handed over the donation at the Ministry on behalf of the President of the Organization Sudam Das De Silva.

Wickramarathne told defence.lk, the donation was enabled through the ‘Hela Ranaviru Balamuluwa’ to support Defence Ministry’s effort to contain the spread of Coronavirus outbreak in the country.