r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

SLN nabs Rs 31 million worth Kerala Cannabis

November 11, 2020

The Sri Lanka Navy’s Northern Command nabbed 100 kilos of Kerala Cannabis during a special operation conducted at the Madagalthurei coast yesterday ( Nov 10).

In search of a suspiciously abandoned dinghy, Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) led operation team nabbed the haul of Cannabis.

Accordingly, the SLN Racketeers had deliberately abandoned the dinghy amidst the onset of naval operations to evade the arrest.

Search operation has recovered the entire Cannabis haul in four delivery sacks.

Further operations are currently in progress to arrest the suspects involved in the racket, SLN said.

Meanwhile, North Central Naval Command nabbed three suspects with 05 kilos and 907 grams of Kerala Cannabis in another two operations conducted in Puthukkudiyiruppu and Erukkulampiddi, Mannar recently.

Furthermore another two lawbreakers were also arrested with 04 grams and 650 milligrams of heroin during operations conducted in Mannar and Thoddaveli areas.

Sri Lanka Coast Guard also has reported an arrest of a suspect for possession of 03 kilos and 600 grams of locally grown Cannabis in Kudaoya in Thanamalwila, during another operation jointly conducted with the Excise Station in Monaragala.

Reportedly, the total value of the recent Cannabis arrested exceed Rs. 31 million.

Accordingly, over 106 kilos of Kerala Cannabis and six suspects involved in the unlawful business were taken into custody during the northbound continuous operations.

The lawbreakers have been identified as residents of Mannar, Erukkulampiddi, Tharapuram and Kudaoya areas aged between 19 to 56 years.

The suspects were handed over to the respective legal authorities for onward actions, the SLN also said.