r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Met. Dept. alerts on very strong gusty winds in the Eastern, Northern and North-central Provinces

November 24, 2020

Meteorology Department’s weather report for today (Nov 24) states about the deep depression over southwest Bay of Bengal lay centered at (10.0N, 83.3E) to the northeast of Trincomalee coast about 280km.

It is very likely to intensify into a cyclonic storm during next 12 hours and into a Severe Cyclonic Storm during subsequent 12 hours. It is expected to move northwestwards and cross Tamil-Nadu coast during next 48 hours.

Very strong gusty winds (60-70) kmph can be expected in Eastern, Northern and North-central Provinces. Strong gusty winds (40-50) kmph can be expected elsewhere. Cloudy skies can be expected over Northern, North-Central and North-Western provinces and in Trincomalee district.

Showers or thundershowers will occur at times in Northernand North-Central Provinces and in Trincomalee district. Heavy rainfalls above 100mm are likely at some places.

Several spells of showers will occur in Western, North-Western and Sabaragamuwa provinces.

Therefore, the general public is kindly requested to take adequate precautions to minimize damages caused by strong winds.

Marine weather forcast of the Met. Dept. informs that intemittent showers/thundershowers, strong or very strong gusty winds and very rough or high seas can be expected in the sea areas between 08N-14N, 80E-89E during next few days.

Intemittent showers or thundershowers will occur in the sea areas extending from Puttalam to Pottuvill via Mannar, Kankasanthurai, Trincomalee and Batticaloa.

Winds will be northerly to north-westerly and wind speed can increase up to (80-100) kmph at times over sea area extending from Puttalam to Pottuvil via Mannar, Kankasanthurai, Trincomalee and Batticaloa. Winds will be north-westerly to south-westerly in the other sea areas around the island.

Wind speed can increase up to (50-60) kmph at times over sea area extending from Puttalam to Hambanthota via Colombo. Wind speed will be 30-40 kmph in other sea areas.

The sea areas extending from Puttalam to Pottuvil via Mannar, Kankasanthurai, Trincomalee and Batticaloa will be very rough or high at times. Naval and fishing communities are advised not to venture these sea areas.

The sea areas extending from Puttalam to Hambanthota via Colombo will be fairly rough at times. Naval and fishing communities are requested to be vigilant in this regard.