r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

SLAF received a Radioactive Material Equipment Kit

December 10, 2020

The Minister of Solar Power, Wind and Hydro Power Generation Projects Development, Hon. Duminda Dissanayaka donated a special Radioactive Material Detection and Radioactive Measuring Equipment Kit to the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF).

The SLAF Commander, Air Marshal Sudarshana Pathirana received the donation at the Ministry in Colombo yesterday ( Dec 9).

This kit will enhance the capabilities of the Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Wing of the SLAF.

The Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Regulatory Council (SLAERC) provides aid to relevant stakeholders with the intention of ensuring Nuclear Safety within Sri Lanka.

The SLAF is one of the seven main stakeholders who in cooperation with SLAERC react to and control a nuclear or radioactive situation that may occur in the country.

The SLAERC Chairman, Dr. DMS Dissanayake and SLAERC Director General, Mr. HL Anil Ranjith extended their support in this event.

The SLAF is the main respondent on detection and apprehension of nuclear and radioactive material moving through International Airports of Sri Lanka.

The Director Ground Operations and the Commanding Officer of the SLAF CBRNE Wing, Wing Commander Nilendra Perera were also present at the occasion.