r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Defence Secretary graces Russian Victory Day ceremony

May 05, 2023

Defence Secretary Gen. Kamal Gunaratne graced the annual Russian Victory Day ceremony at the Cenotaph War Memorial in Colombo on Thursday (May 04).

Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Levan S. Dzhakaryan received the Defence Secretary on his arrival at the Cenotaph War Memorial at the Viharamahadevi Park in Colombo last evening.
Russians celebrate the end of the “great patriotic war” on the 9th of May each year.
Popular Russian actor and producer Soslan Fidarov had arrived here carrying a special flame, commemorating the ‘Unknown Soldier’ of the Great War, that is being carried around to 11 friendly countries which also includes and Sri Lanka as well.
Distinguished guests and Russian embassy officials were also present at the occasion.