r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

SLFPC Joins Exercise ‘Steel Storm I - 2023’ in Lebanon

June 21, 2023

The biannual ‘Exercise Steel Storm I - 2023’, the joint live firing Exercise among the United Nations Interim Force units in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) got underway in the firing range of South Naqoura camp in Lebanon during 05 - 09 June, intended to practise fire support procedures to be in line with UN laid guidelines.

UNIFIL Sectors, Force Commander's Reserve of France, Force Commander Units, inclusive of the Sri Lanka Force Protection Company (SLFPC), Indonesian Force Protection Company (Indo FPC), Tanzanian Military Protection Unit (MPU), together with Marine Task Force troops jointly executed live firing of small arms and Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC)-mounted machine gun firing during the Exercise.

Representing the 14th Sri Lankan Force Protection Company (SLFPC) serving in Lebanon, 07 Sri Lankan peacekeepers and 04 members of the Quick Reaction Team (QRT), led by Major S.M.N.M Mannage of the Mechanized Infantry Regiment took part in the Exercise with 02 APCs and Multi-Purpose Machine Guns (MPMG).

Courtesy - www.army.lk