r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Army troops build Vauniya Traders’ HQ Building

July 12, 2023

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) troops built two-storied administrative building complex of the Vavuniya Traders’ Association recently following a request in a gesture of reconciliation and solidarity.

56 Infantry Division troops of the Security Force HQ-Wanni (SFHQ-W) completed the project on the instructions of the Commander, Security Forces-Wanni Major General C.D Ranasinghe, the SLA sources stated.

Mr Shanmugarajah Sujen, Chairman of the Vavuniya Traders’ Association had sought the technical expertise and manpower of the Army for construction of the complex, the Army confirmed.

The two-storied new building with a conference hall and office compartments with all the modern facilities was opened amid religious blessings and greetings of Commander, SF-Wanni, Chief Secretary of Northern Province, District Secretary of Vavuniya, Deputy Inspector General of Vavuniya, Senior Officers and representatives of the Traders’ Association who were present at the occasion.