r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Army’s 5th CCC leaves for Mali

August 31, 2023

The Sri Lanka Army’s 5th Combat Convoy Company (CCC), designed to serve in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) left for Mali on Tuesday (29 Aug) evening at the Bandaranaike International Airport.

The 5th CCC is comprised of 03 Officers and 70 Other Ranks of the Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment, Sri Lanka Armoured Corps, Sri Lanka Engineers, Sri Lanka Signal Corps, Mechanized Infantry Regiment, Corps of Engineer Services, Sri Lanka Army Service Corps, Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps, Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps, Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police, Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps and Sri Lanka National Guard, the Army sources stated.

Senior Officers including Quarter Master General at the Army HQ and Colonel of the Regiment, Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment Major General G.R.R.P Jayawardana, Other Ranks and family members of the contingent were at the airport to bid goodbye to them.