r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

UNIFIL medal parade in Lebanon appreciates Sri Lankan contingent’s contribution

September 12, 2023

The ceremonial medal awarding parade of the 14th Sri Lanka Force Protection Company (SLFPC) in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) got underway at Soedirman camp in Greenhill at the UNIFIL HQ premises in Naquora on Wednesday (6 Sept).

The Sri Lankan Army delegation, headed by Major General W.A.S.S Wanasinghe RSP VSV USP ndu, Chief of Staff, Sri Lanka Army, Major General M.G.W.W.W.M.C.B Wickramasinghe RWP RSP ndu psc, Director General General Staff, Sri Lanka Army and Colonel P.P.C Perera, Colonel Overseas Operations at the Directorate of Overseas Operations in the Army participated in the event representing the Commander of the Army.

On behalf of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Head of the Mission and Force Commander (HOM & FC) of UNIFIL, Major General Aroldo Lazaro Saenz graced the occasion as the Chief Guest, together with the Ambassador of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to Lebanon and Syria, His Excellency Mr Kapila Susantha Jayaweera.

The SLFPC Contingent Commander, Lieutenant Colonel D.P.L.T Kaluaggala welcomed the invitees to the occasion. They added memories by posing for couple of group photographs and leaving appreciative compliments in the SLFPC visitors’ book.

This UNIFIL medal is presented to peacekeepers in recognition of the services, rendered to the maintenance of peace in Lebanon having completely fulfilled all the requirements for eligibility and also having completed the necessary period of qualifying service as a military member in UNIFIL.

Courtesy - www.army.lk