Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Well Deserving Jaffna Family Receives Army-Built 771st House

October 17, 2023

The record-breaking 771st house in Jaffna was built by troops of the Security Force HQ - Jaffna in Urumpirai for a deserving family with sponsorship provided by ‘Imagine Compassion International Ltd’ in Australia at the request of the Army.

11 Field Engineer Regiment (11 SLE) troops of the 523 Infantry Brigade and the 52 Infantry Division of Security Force HQ - Jaffna (SFHQ-J) erected this 771st house in the Jaffna peninsula for another low-income group family who has lost their bread-winner but the widow is living with their three girls without a well- protected house.

The selection of the family was done by officers of the Army in consultation with the respective Grama Sewa official in the area.

The formal handover of keys to the beneficiary took place in the presence of Major General S.R.K Hettiarachchi RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc, Commander, Security Forces - Jaffna and Major General Y.A.B.M Yahampath RWP RSP ndu psc, General Officer Commanding, 52 Infantry Division. The construction of the new house was provided by 11 Sri Lanka Engineers (SLE) and 5 Corps of Engineer Service Regiment troops.

The necessary monetary funds were provided by Imagine Compassion International Ltd and the construction was completed within a short span of two months.

Colonel M.B.L Perera RSP USP psc, Commander of the 523 Infantry Brigade and Lieutenant Colonel K.G.C.K Kudagamage, Commanding Officer of 11 SLE closely supervised and provided necessary guidelines to the project.

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