r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Defence Secretary graces sports shooting YouTube channel launching

May 30, 2024

Secretary Defence General Kamal Gunaratne graced the launching ceremony of the ‘Scorpion Top Shot’ YouTube channel as the chief guest on Wednesday (May 29).

Gen. Gunaratne was received by the founder of the channel Lt. Col. Janaka Ritigahapola (Retd) on his arrival at the venue, the Grand Monarch in Thalawatugoda, last evening.

The channel is dedicated to promoting sports shooting in the country.

Making a brief speech, Gen. Gunaratne expressed his warm wishes to Lt. Col. Ritigahapola (Retd) who is a former champion shooter for his initiative in creating an interest in this sporting sphere by launching a dedicated YouTube channel for sports shooting.

Chief of Defence Staff General Shavendra Silva, Army Commander Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage, Navy Commander Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, senior retired military officers and sports enthusiasts were also present at the launching ceremony.