r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Navy secures safe passage for six
fishermen after high seas rescue

June 03, 2024

Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) successfully brought six fishermen ashore on Sunday (Jun 02), following a rescue operation in the Southern Indian Ocean. The fishermen were originally retrieved from a distressed trawler by the MT Tonegawa, a merchant tanker, approximately 480 nautical miles (889 km) south of Dondra, SLN media said.

According to Navy media sources, MT Tonegawa has located the trawler in distress while working closely with the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Colombo and safely rescued all six fishermen on May 31.

Then, the merchant tanker brought the fishermen to the off-Galle Sea area on June 02 and a SLN Fast Attack Craft swiftly transferred the fishermen to shore, Navy media further stated.