r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Defence Secretary lays Foundation Stone for DHQC Welfare Amenities Complex

June 20, 2024

Defence Secretary General Kamal Gunaratne laid the foundation stone for the new Welfare Amenities Complex at the Defence Headquarters Complex (DHQC) in Sri Jayawardenepura, Kotte, today (June 20).

The Defence Secretary was received by Air Force Commander Air Marshal Udeni Rajapaksa upon his arrival at the proposed construction site this morning.

The new facility, to be built within the DHQC premises, will serve the needs of tri-forces personnel and will include a welfare shop, cafeteria and recreational area. Work on the project is expected to be completed in six months, and once finished, it will benefit a large number of service personnel, especially those serving at the DHQC.

Senior Air Force officers were present at the foundation stone laying ceremony.