r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Special disaster management preparedness programme
to be implemented during Presidential Election

August 13, 2024
  • Every possible measure to ensure citizens to practice their suffrage during disaster situations

Disaster Management Authorities have made arrangements to implement a special programme to ensure the voting of all people at the upcoming Presidential Election scheduled to be held on September 21st in the event of any disaster related emergencies.

State Minister of Defence Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon revealed details of the special disaster management programme to be implemented by the Disaster Management Centre (DMC) during the upcoming presidential election after chairing a meeting with officials of DMC, tri forces, Civil Secuirty Department, Police and other related state agencies today (Aug 13).

Speaking to media representatives State Minister Tennakoon said that the DMC will facilitate all necessary measures needed to implement this programme in keeping with the Elections Commission's guidelines and direction to provide every citizen the opportunity to exercise their universal franchise even during disaster. He also said that prior preparedness is essential and that all personnel in related state agencies will be geared to face any disaster related emergencies, especially during the election period.

A special District Election Disaster Management Special Unit will be set up during the election period and all disaster management activities will be coordinated by this unit, said the State Minister. In addition, the DMC’s dedicated hotline 117 will be operational at all times.  

Defence Secretary General Kamal Gunaratne, Chief of Defence Staff General Shavendra Silva, tri forces commanders, Director General of the Department of Meteorology, Director General of the DMC, DMC tri forces and Police representatives were present at the meeting held today.