Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

President's New Year Message

January 01, 2021

The dawn of the New Year motivates us to move towards a new meaningful height in life while providing opportunity to clearly understand the challenges we face at each passing moment. We welcome the year 2021 with positive attitudes, determination and absolute commitment.

No sooner than we commenced the journey towards prosperity that we had successfully initiated, we were compelled, together with the rest of the world, to fight COVID-19 pandemic which had engulfed the country. Amidst formidable challenges and obstacles we were able to lay the foundation for sustainable development while prioritizing national aspirations.

The Government is determined to further strengthen the steps that it had already taken in order to meet the expectations of the people in the New Year. The new government was formed with the objective of securing a people-centric development and to protect and preserve national identity. No room should be left for the erosion of confidence people placed in the Government that it would not go against the country and the people’s will.
The prime responsibility of the government is to make development targets enshrined in “Saubhagyaye Dekma” policy framework, a reality.  To achieve this objective, it is essential that the public and private sectors, work together as partners. If each and every public servant properly performs the duties and responsibilities entrusted to them, it is not a difficult task for the government to conquest any challenge faced by it.  I expect that commitment from all public servants. Furthermore, I hope that all the citizens will continue to faithfully serve the Motherland.
We strongly believe that we have self-determination and courage to overcome challenges that we have to face in the New Year. That is because we have already built that confidence in the country by formulating and implementing necessary plans with a clear perception. There is no need to separately mention the economic and social prosperity that a disciplined country could achieve. Therefore, let us determine that in this New Year we will fulfil our respective duties in a proper and disciplined manner.
I wish that New Year will usher in a prosperous future devoid of diseases for all Sri Lankans and their children living here and overseas.  

Gotabaya Rajapaksa
December 31, 2020                                                                                                      



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