Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Defence Secretary inspects Defence Headquarters Complex, Akuregoda

January 02, 2021

Defence Secretary Gen. (Retd) Kamal Gunaratne made an inspection visit to the on going Defence Headquarters Complex project at Akuregoda, this morning (Jan 2).

Gen. Gunaratne accompanied by the project officials inspected the work of all the sectors under construction during the visit.

He also inquired into several areas of progress and instructed project officials to expedite the construction works.

A presentation was also conducted to brief about the on-going constructions during a meeting held at the venue.

The Defence Ministry’s Additional Secretary (Technical) Eng. SGAKR Senaviratne, Military Liaison Officer, Brig. W P A D W Nanayakkara and Civil Engineers of the Tri-Forces were also present at the occasion.