r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Army continues with search operations

April 30, 2019

Sri Lanka Army through its seven formations encompassing the entire country is carrying out search operations to apprehend extremist terrorists. The successful operation in Santhamaruthu in the Eastern Province is a good example of the outcome of these search operations. Arrested suspects and items are directed for investigations. Troops have stepped up operations during the last 24 hours. As the troops are widely stationed around the country people can direct any useful information to them as they could take swift measures under the Emergency Regulations, said so the Military Spokesman and Director of the Media Centre, Brigadier Sumith Atapattu during a media briefing held at the Media Centre on Monday (29).

He also requested the general public not get deceived by rumours or dis-information spread by social media and be alert. He asked the general public to be cautious and provide any information to the authorities. Necessary action will be taken to disseminate Information regarding the latest developments without compromising public security. The Army is committed in its endeavor to protect the nation as it had done so in the past.