Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

SLN provides 350 thalassemia infusion systems to Health Ministry

April 22, 2021

Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) continuing its Naval Social Responsibility (NSR) initiatives handed over the SLN produced 350 thalassemia infusion systems to the Health Ministry by the Navy Commander, Vice Admiral Nishantha Ulugetenne, at the Navy Headquarters yesterday (Apr 21).

Thalassemia is considered to be the most common inherited blood disorder in Sri Lanka. The infusion system is essential for thalassemia patients to remove excessive iron deposits gathered in vital organs due to frequent blood transfusions, the SLN said.

The Naval Research and Development Unit started to manufacture a low-cost thalassemia infusion system in 2011. All officers and sailors voluntarily contribute to this noble cause from their monthly salaries, the SLN also said.

According to the SLN, the Research and Development Unit manufactures these thalassemia infusion systems incurring Rs. 4,250 and offered to thalassemia patients free of charge. However, the market price of this equipment varies from Rs. 75,000 – 100,000.

The SLN Research and Development Unit received the Cosmetics Devices & Drugs Regulatory Authority (CDDA) Certificate No (DVR-PR-019014) for the production of thalassemia infusion pumps in 2011.

Since 2011, the SLN has handed over 2374 thalassemia infusion systems to main hospitals and selected children down with the disease in several phases.

Health Ministry’s Deputy Director General (Non-Communicable Diseases), Dr. Champika Wickramasinghe, Director Naval Projects and Plans, Commodore Pradeep Rathnayake, officers from Navy's Research and Development Unit were also present at the occasion.