r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

SLN apprehends over 2000 kilos of turmeric from Mannar

July 02, 2021

Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) nabbed 06 suspects with 2021 kilos and 400 grams of turmeric, during an attempt to smuggle into the island via beach areas of Achchanakulam, Naruvilikkulam and South Bar, on 29 and 30 June and 01 July.

Initially, the SLN nabbed 02 suspects and a dinghy with 601 kilos and 100 grams of turmeric, off Achchanakula, on 29 June.

In a separate operation, the SLN found 642 kilos and 700 grams of turmeric sacks cast away in shrubs in the beach area of Naruvilikkulam on 30 June.

Further, the SLN nabbed four suspects who were loading 777 kilos and 600 grams of turmeric to a van yesterday (July 01), the SLN said.

Smugglers held in Achchanakula are residents of Arippu in Mannar and they were directed for quarantine process and the haul of turmeric packed in gunny sacks were handed over to the Sri Lanka Customs for investigations.

Meanwhile, the consignment of turmeric found in Naruvilikkulam, was kept in naval custody until it is handed over for onward legal action.

The four suspects with the stock of turmeric and the van held in South Bar were handed over to the Mannar Police for onward legal action, the SLN also said.

These operations were conducted adhering to COVID-19 protocols in force for the prevention of the spread of the pandemic, the SLN confirmed.