r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Multi-day fishing vessel monitoring system for maritime security

July 17, 2021

Sri Lanka received a multi-day fishing vessel monitoring system that contributes to ensure maritime security, under a financial grant from Australia, the President Media Division (PMD) said.

Australian High Commissioner David Holly said the monitoring system would help in preventing illegal fishing, ensuring border protection and security in Indian Ocean Region, preventing human and drug trafficking and rescuing fishermen in distressed vessels.

The monitoring system consisting of 4,200 transponders, equipment for a monitoring centre and satellite facilities is valued at 5.38 million Australian Dollars.

The monitoring centre will be set up under the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources.

The first set of transponders was symbolically handed over to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa by Australian High Commissioner David Holly at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday (16).

The PMD said President emphasized the importance of the monitoring system to Sri Lanka’s maritime security, which is situated at a unique geographical location.

The President extended his gratitude to the Government of Australia for its continued and unwavering support to the Sri Lankan Government.