Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Oddusuddan Schools receive Army-installed RO plants

November 20, 2021

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) installed three Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Purification Plants in three school compounds in the Oddusuddan area recently, fulfilling the students drinking water requirements.

Accordingly, the students at Kulamurippu Government Tamil School, Karipaddamurippu Government Tamil Mixed School and Palampasi Government Tamil Mixed School received those RO plants, the SLA said.

641 and 642 Brigades of the 64 Division under the Security Force Headquarters - Mullaittivu (SFHQ-MLT) coordinated the project which was sponsored by the National PVC Company Ltd, the SLA added.

Senior Army Officers, several officials of the donor agency, Principals, teachers and students associated with simple inaugural ceremonies, the SLA confirmed.