Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Army vested new house in a deserving family in Oddusuddan

November 15, 2022

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) built a new house and vested in a deserving family at Oddusuddan recently.

Members residing in overseas and in the island of the Colombo Royal College, Tamil Class (1980), sponsored the project while technical expertise and manpower support was extended by 23 Vijayabahu Infantry Regiment troops of the 642 Brigade which is performing under purview of the 64 Division of the Security Force Headquarters - Mullaittivu, the SLA sources said.

The keys of the new house was handed over to the beneficiary Mrs Rathnam Pathmarajini who is a widow now living with her daughter, the Army added.

Commander, Security Forces - Mullaittivu Maj. Gen. Sanjaya Wanasinghe together with the sponsors, state officials, officers and civilians attended the house warming ceremony.